Picking the Right Healthcare Plan
The Internet is a wealthy source of information and if you're looking for healthcare information, the Internet can be a resourceful vehicle for you to find reliable and trustworthy guides and advice on healthcare products and supplies. It all depends on how you find the information and who is dispensing the healthcare information.
If healthcare were consumer-driven, "maintenance" prescriptions (medications you need over long periods of time) wouldn't require complicated pre-authorization forms from your doctor, which are usually rejected the first time around. If healthcare were consumer-driven, basic allergy medications like Zyrtec wouldn't be so hard to come by, and wouldn't cost $25 a bottle out-of-pocket. If healthcare were consumer-driven, patients wouldn't be forced to choose between complex HMO, PPO, and POS plan options that leave a loophole for various "medical groups" to decline responsibility for specific doctor's office visits or treatments (sticking the befuddled patient with the full bill). "Consumers have choice in every area of their lives, except healthcare," he stated. Nearly 85 percent of consumers responding to a new survey said that they believed hospitals and doctors should be required to disclose their prices.
Opponents argue that CDH is really just cost shifting from employers to employees and that rather than spending more responsibly, consumers in these types of plans will be more inclined to avoid necessary care.
It's either very difficult to verify, or almost impossible to verify the source of the healthcare information or advice available online. This is where reliability is in question. But most professional healthcare advice websites will give you the source of the advice, and with this, you can easily verify the source of the healthcare information.
Shop-Till-You-Drop the debate rages on about how to reform healthcare in America Meanwhile, what can we do to become more successful consumers? We consumers may not be in the healthcare driver's seat yet, but we can at least become more vocal back-seat drivers. " The consumer experience combines the individual's sense of empowerment, because he has direct input into decisions about his healthcare, with the knowledge and tools he needs to make those decisions.
The fastest way to finding healthcare information online is through a search engine, of course. But the problem is that there's no guarantee that the information you can find through the website is reliable or professional enough. You can ask your doctor or pharmacist for URLs of websites that they often visit. As medical practitioners, they won't recommend healthcare websites if they don't trust the information that is in the healthcare portal.
You're changing lives on a daily basis! How can that not be exciting? Many healthcare workers get to build their careers on excitement and adrenaline. This can be a fast-paced, challenging job where you get to do something different every day. Why sit at a desk when you can be taking vitals, deciphering x-rays, drawing blood, and so much more?
Attentus LLC, a healthcare consultancy, managed by Kory Razaghi, provides Capital Strategy & Capital Projects Consulting, and operational turnaround services to healthcare organizations including community, children’s, government/public, and critical access hospitals, as well as healthcare sector focused private equity firms.
Kory Razaghi is a member of the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) and Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP). Additionally, he has published articles on innovative medical devices as well as lectured at UC Irvine on securing private equity investment. He is also a member of Paul Merage School of Business Dean's Leadership Circle.